12 Health Problems Your Hands Are Warning You About

12 Health Problems Your Hands Are Warning You About
12 Health Problems Your Hands Are Warning You About

twelve things your hands can tell about your health 

hands are one of the first body parts to show signs of aging but they can also indicate certain health problems doctors are sure that the condition of your hands can be a result of several medical changes going on elsewhere in your body here are 12 symptoms that you should pay attention to in order to maintain your health read palms doctors explained that red palms or palmar erythema can be a sign of liver problems .

especially if you are over 50 years old usually the redness is located in the outer edge of the palm or on the heel of the palm however in extreme cases it can go as far as up to the fingers, at first sight, this redness looks like a rash and if you press on your skin in that place it turns pale this condition isn't dangerous or harmful on its own but it clearly indicates other health problems one of several possible reasons for red palms is a change in the hormonal balance which causes blood vessel dilation that's why pregnant women may suffer from this condition rheumatoid arthritis can also be a cause for redness on the palms but the most common reasons for palmar erythema are liver diseases such as cirrhosis or Wilson disease.

 if you've spotted red areas on your hands you should get medical advice to find out the true reason for it meanwhile try to switch to a healthy diet and lower your alcohol intake sweaty palms there are several possible reasons for sweaty palms hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating which typically runs in the family stress an overactive thyroid that leads to excessive heating of the body what is more drinking too much alcohol can lead to having sweaty palms in the case of hyperhidrosis .

which is excessive sweating you can try strong antiperspirants you can also get a medical procedure done to fight this condition try to limit your alcohol intake and learn to control your stress levels meditation and inhale/exhale technique might help you to deal with unpleasant situations if nothing seems to work you should definitely make an appointment with your doctor there are such procedures as for example iontophoresis when you put your hands in a tray with water while a weak electric current is passed through it which helps 70 or 80 percent of those with a similar problem loss of sensitivity and tingling sometimes you wake up with the feeling that you have lost sensitivity in certain parts of your body and when you move they start tingling usually it's just .

because you've been pressing on the sensory nerve for too long the tingling sensation lasts for a period of time and the nerve needs to get back to work [Music] however in some cases these symptoms in your hands can be a sign of a more serious problem like cervical austriac and rightous carpal tunnel syndrome venous thrombosis of the limb a brachial plexus injury anemia or diabetes if you often experience loss of sensitivity in your hands without an obvious reason go and consult your doctor dry hands the most common reasons for .
dry skin on the hands are dehydration under active thyroid the deficiency of essential fatty acids or estrogen deficiency which goes hand-in-hand with menopause to avoid dehydration drink enough water and use moisturizing hand creams to deal with the lack of fatty acids in your body an oily fish seeds and nuts into your diet visit your doctor to get hormonal replacement therapy it will help you to control the estrogen drop trembling hands it may seem shocking but in fact ET essential tremor is a big problem for 4 percent of adults after 40 years old this condition can make life unbearable as trembling interferes with everything you do starting from drinking from a glass to writing down some information it's known that shaking hands can be a sign of serious health problems like Parkinson's disease but there may be other causes as well if you have an overactive thyroid it may speed up your metabolism cause sweating rapid heartbeat anxiety insomnia and trembling in your hands if you're experiencing severe stress or anxiety your hands may start to tremble.

common reason

as well the most common reason however is a high coffee or alcohol intake if you have some concerns go and get medical advice in the meantime limit the amount of strong coffee and alcohol you drink and check the results weak nails we core crack nails can be a symptom of zinc deficiency.

 the zinc is really important for our health it promotes wound healing helps cells divide and strengthens the immune system also it maintains your sense of taste and smell to deal with zinc deficiency add some foods rich in zinc to your diet oats nuts baked beans chickpeas yogurt milk oysters and meat will increase the amount of zinc in your body doctors also recommend taking zinc as a supplement.
if it's level is too low nowadays you can find such supplements at any pharmacy or health store pale nail beds what happens when you press on your fingernails ,if they turn white at first but then resume their pink color there's nothing to worry about but if they stay white or if this is their permanent color it's time to get worried you may suffer from iron deficiency anemia this means that there is a lack of red blood cells that circulate in your body if you leave the situation as it is your iron deficiency may become severe causing dizziness fatigue or even problems with the heart your nails may become a bit concave as well dark streaks on the nails if you have noticed some dark streaks appeared on your nails attend your family doctor without hesitation this may be a sign of melanoma this is the most dangerous type of skin cancer swollen fingers if out of the blue your fingers swell and start to resemble sausages most likely you have nothing to worry about the reason may be PMS eating too much salt too much liquid accumulated in your body or on the contrary a mild dehydration at the same time if this condition is constant and is accompanied by some stiffness see your doctor it might be a sign of rheumatoid arthritis or an underactive thyroid Club two fingers if your fingers look like clubs or drumsticks and the nail and finger develop a bulbous end this usually means there's a deficit of oxygen in your body it may be a symptom of a more serious lung disease such as lung cancer or even heart disease you should attend your doctor.

professional medical advice

ask for professional medical advice if you experience clubbing white or blue fingertips if you notice that your fingertips turn white or bluish this may be a sign that you have a condition connected with poor blood circulation also called Raynaud's syndrome this condition occurs .
when tiny blood vessels in your hands get too sensitive to any temperature changes typically this isn't harmful your fingertips can also suffer from some tingling sensations pain numbness and change of color but that also isn't dangerous at the same time blue tips of your fingers can indicate low levels of oxygen in your body and if along with the blue fingertips you have a fever call your doctor immediately it's most likely pneumonia. 
if your fingers turn blue after some exercise this may be a sign of a serious lung disease yellow lumps over the knuckles [Music] this may be an indicator of a disease connected with high cholesterol levels that is called familial hypercholesterolemia in this case if you clench your fist lumps that deposit cholesterol will be visible over your knuckles if this condition remain. 
people die at quite a young age from a heart attack caused by extremely high cholesterol levels that's why upon seeing such symptoms go to your doctor and have a health check have you ever experienced any of these symptoms tell us in the comments below don't forget to click subscribe to stay on the bright side of life